elf on the shelf
next broadway stars singing a song from the movie "The Elf Story"
choreographed by Santa
next broadway stars singing a song from the movie "The Elf Story"
Fun day in CNY. On this 73 degree day kids wanted to go to the zoo. It was fantastic for seeing animals. With no leaves on the trees and comfortable temps we could see each animal really well and most were active. Then lunch time came and I earned mother of the year award. At the counter Jojo rubbed her fingers on the counter and said it hurt. I dismissed it and we went outside to eat. Sitting among the nicely styled, dressed, and calm mothers of single children I tried to plead with jojo to stop crying minding the others around us trying to enjoy a rare meal outside in december. I figured she was tired since they got up at 5:45 to look for Izzy the elf. It was then that this frumpy granola mama with major gray roots saw the sliver in her hand. Oops. The restaurant cured it with ice cream. Then we went to the zoo store with my words "you can't choose anything for yourself. We are here to buy a gift for a child in the children's hospital". They put much thought into the right gift. The kids were so thoughtful and never once asked for something for themselves. Now hopefully some other boy out there likes condors. Even as a stuffy it still isn't cute