Friday, November 30, 2012

Crazy hair

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Some see bicycle stand, others...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Not to long ago...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

This place is amazing

Jojo in her helping mode getting the apples to the right place so the other kids can use them

At the strong museum of play in rochester. Today is Dora and Diego day and ash is at diego's animal rescue center telling the other kids how to rescue animals. It reminded mark of the infamous Dan Quayle debate as if ash thinks "I know Diego and you are no Diego"

Soooo excited meeting Dora and Diego

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Jojo's artwork at school.  She has great Grammie yeager's artistic talent

Friday, November 9, 2012

The funny things four year olds say...

Ash went to the potty one day and returned to play with Jojo (aka Minime).  She looked at him and said "Did you go poopie?"  He said "YEP and I washed my hands."  She said, "I don't think you did."  He said, "I did".   She said "Before you touch me I want you to go and wash your hands."  Spoken like a true woman!

The kids can have one treat a day.  Ash hit his head really good on the wall one day and responded by saying "Can we have two treats because it really hurts."

Jordan reflecting after class one day said "If you don't work together, the world will be a mess."  Four year olds are smarter then those in Washington!

One day while trying to choose a treat Jordan said "Mommy I am having trouble deciding on what I have to decide."

When Ash got to school today he told them the bump on his head was because a tiger was chasing him and he ran into a tree.  That's ok, the tiger gave him a cold pack.  My question is who is the tiger?

Jordan is fascinated with allergies.  Jojo is allergic to chocolate.  Someone in her class is allergic to peanuts.  And, of course Ash is allergic to brussell sprouts.  She asked today on the way to school, "What if we are allergic to dying?"  In my mind I thought we kind of all are and it really doesn't matter anyway.

Never a day without laughter and never a moment without joy in our family.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Keep this family in your thoughts and prayers.  They are a family with 8 month old conjoined twin daughters who are members of our multiples group here in Syracuse.  We have all been eagerly waiting to hear the posts about their separation surgery was started at 8:00 am this morning.  The family has been down at the Philly Children's Hospital ever since the girls were born.  Just a few moments ago, the mother reported to our group that the girls were successfully separated!  Luckily they were joined at the sternum and didn't share any major organs. 

For more updates check them out at...

Monday, November 5, 2012

The bling of birdhouses! Jojo added the "glowy" so the birds could see.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Anna and Gracie Zbock are both at home and reunited!!!  Don't you want to kiss those adorable cheeks???!!!!
