Thursday, July 31, 2008

Great News! The twins are doing excellent per the doctor! She used the word 'phenomenal' as they have gained some great weight. They were born at 6 lbs each and dipped to 5 1/2 pounds during the first week as most babies lose weight then. Last Thursday they weighed in at 6 lbs and 1/2 oz and 6 lbs and 2 oz. Now, Ashton weighs 6 lbs and 15.5 oz and Jordan weighs 7 lbs. As members of Team Miller, they do their jobs well: eating, sleeping, and growing!

Nicole is doing better every day. She is under the great care of a team of doctors and is in the great care of volunteers. She will be under doctor's care for the next five months as we wait for the clot to dissolve although the doctor doesn't think it will take that long. For now she will take coumadin and blood pressure medication to keep things stabilized. We marvel at the wonders of modern medicine and are very thankful for the experience and knowledge of doctors. The doctors are quite optimistic about her recovery as she is young and in great health.

We really appreciate every one's help these last few weeks. Your help has put our mind at ease during some stressful times. We are in awe at the constant support and care as it has brought tears to our eyes on more than one occasion. Thank you too to all the thoughtful people who have sent cards and flowers. It is joyful to visit our mailbox and retrieve cards from well wishers. The beautiful flowers have decorated and warmed our house.

Throughout the last few weeks we have learned an important lesson: Enjoy life, love, and laughter.


At July 31, 2008 at 7:35 PM , Blogger ~V said...

congratulations you guys! You all look great.


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