Sunday, July 27, 2008

Grand love!!


At July 28, 2008 at 7:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nikki & Mark,

Just returned from traveling and got an update from Grandma Nancy (who looks great in the picture, by the way). I'm so sorry to hear of your complications. I am traveling most of August, but will be free on Labor Day weekend, and am willing to help out. Let me know what I can do.

The twins are beautiful. And just think, a year from now, you'll be telling the story and laughing. Well, maybe not exactly laughing, but definitely with a sigh of relief and the thought that it was all worth it when you look into their little faces.


At August 1, 2008 at 3:39 PM , Blogger Jan said...

Hi Nikki & Mark,
The babies look absolutely adorable. We are looking forward to meeting them soon! Have you ever watched the show "Jon & Kate plus 8" about a couple in PA that have 2 sets of multiples? They had twin girls, then two years later sextuplets!
Twins always have a very special bond and we're sure you'll have wonderful fun watching them develop. Congratulations on your beautiful family! PS.Rog and Nan look thrilled and you look so radiant. Love, Love, Dan and Jan


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