Saturday, July 5, 2008

Getting ready

No that is not a real baby! It is Mark, practicing diaper management on a doll. He fears when the time comes and he has to put one on a squirming baby! We are using cloth diapers which adds to the fun! After he learned you can pick up the feet to slide the diaper underneath things got a little easier for him.
The nursery is ready and waiting. We enjoy rocking in the chair, imagining the sights and sounds of two little ones. We enjoyed adding some special touches like an Eli Thomas painting dedicated to the birth of children, a painting from a Miller family friend reminding Mark of days he visited their farm as a child, and an antique Tibetan prayer wheel. They will share a crib for awhile, amongst sharing many other things. We laugh as our house has 'shrunk' in size with lots of baby furniture and gadgets.
We are now 37 weeks and the doctor said on Wednesday "soon". One of our doctors reported "she does good with pregnancy" to which I credit both my grandmother's genes. We are grateful to have made it this far and counting!


At July 8, 2008 at 11:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can post stuff here

At July 9, 2008 at 2:54 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Bout time you got doing something really productive. Congrats to both of you and God bless. Jerry C.


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