Monday, June 23, 2008

Hope all is doing well with you! We have been busy as you can imagine but having fun none the less. I look out my back window from time to time and watch all the busy squirrels in our yard. I liken our life to theirs, filled with busy preparation!

We are at 35 weeks pregnant now and thrilled! At this point each week is a blessing with twins. Speaking of the twins, they are busy and active as ever, moving around constantly. My stomach constantly swells like the ocean as they twist and turn. It is fun to watch. We have gained 51 pounds!

The pregnancy has really been a good one. Although we've experienced naseau and other discomforts, the twins have done outstanding in growth. So far, I have had great tests results, no glucose issues, no pre-eclampsia, or other concerns common with a multiple pregnancy.

We still haven't picked out a name for either. We do have nicknames though, the Cubs, girlie girl and little guy. Something tells me they will be mini me's (a mini Mark and a mini Nicole)! We laugh at the thought they will probably have very curly hair as Mark and I both have curly hair.

Girlie girl already has a reputation as 90% of the clothes in the closet belong to her. Mark said the boy will have to get used to it. I tried to point out that he has more 'casual ware'. The clothes in the closet are more 'dressy'. She has a grandma who is thrilled that this will be the first grand daughter born into our family. She has had fun buying infant clothes for a girl for the first time.

Mark has been very busy working on the house. The babies' room is almost done, it just needs trim. He put together the crib, changing table, and closet racks. Yesterday we hung pictures and curtains. He also has been very busy working our our kitchen, bathroom, dining room, and living room downstairs. It is amazing how much he and our generous group of friend & family volunteers have accomplished these past few months. We have been blessed by many many hours of helpful hands. Our house has now transformed from a major construction project to a home and is ready for the twins!

We will keep you posted on the site here as our day draws near. We will announce their arrival and include pictures of the cubs when they arrive!


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