Wednesday, December 18, 2013

If we listen well, we learn that five year olds can teach us wonderful lessons in life.  At the start of this year we started an allowance program when the kids could start earning $5/week while maintaining chores.  Of the five, $2 went into a savings jar, $2 went into a spending jar, and $1 goes into a charity jar.  Earlier this month we counted the amount in our Charity jars and asked the kids what should we do with the money?  They thought about it and decided to give a portion to the Zoo, a portion to Page's Place, and a portion to the holiday can drive at their school.   We had a BLAST getting cans in the market and they quickly figured sale items would mean more cans/food for the money.  They purchased carefully so that they could get the most cans possible.  We are grateful the school acknowledged their efforts by honoring them with the BEE Caring award.  They reminded me to enjoy giving, instead of giving just for the sake of it.  These awesome kids fill each day with sparkle and joy.   Now if only they could stay five forever... 


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