Thursday, July 15, 2010

Some of you will chuckle when you read this. Some might say, that won't be me as I thought two years ago too. I am relishing my babes 2 year Birthday!

What is life like with two year old twins? It is diapers, diapers, and more diapers. It is scrapes and bruises times two. It is hearing the phrases "My turn" and "Whoops...spilled" often. Oh yeah, the stop what you are doing when you hear it phrase "uhhh ohhh." You never really hear silence, but you do hear one being silent, another red flag signaling you to check things out.

It is also often hearing the phrases, "you have your hands full" or "thank God I didn't have twins".

For example, we attend music class every week. It is a lovely class really. Filled with 12 other singleton kids and their mothers sitting ever so graciously in a circle on the carpet, engaging lovingly while singing songs as our teacher strums the guitar. The kids and mothers hug, sing, and giggle. Then there are my kids, running circles around the group circle. One pushes the other. The other tries to hang from the table. As I attend to the other, the one manages to turn on the DVD player on high volume so that it blurts out Elvis as the group is singing a delicate lulliby. As a mind reader, I know what they are all thinking - Thank God I don't have twins.

Then there is the Wegman's trip. An hour passes as we ready ourselves. Chasing two year olds in a house with an open floor plan is amusing. Almost cruel really. Upon finally tying the double knots on all four sneakers, this former velcro lover then hears in a cherub like voice "Poopie". OK - diaper change. Grab the keys - check. Make sure we have bunny bunny - check. Head out the door and hear "Poopie" again. Another diaper change. At least they happened at home! Finally we arrive. While in the produce section I realize I feel right at home because the recent humidity that likens swamps of Mississippi has ravaged my hair and I didn't use enough hair gel. Mushroom head. In aisle 6 I remember, I didn't put any makeup on. That's ok people always look at the twins - I am invisible. As it so turns out, this is one day I run into 7 people I know. In aisle 8 one bites the other. In aisle 10 the other bites the one. It is now that I realize the loss of all patience, a virtue I bathed in two years ago. The hand raises and the finger points. The words escape so effortlessly, rolling off my tongue..."How many times...." I have another realization I had hoped to avoid in my life, at this very moment this fungus head looks and acts like my mother! Meanwhile I feel the stares of others in the aisle and interpret the expressions as "she has her hands full."

Yep, I do, Full of four little stinky feet. A scent I have come to enjoy frankly. Those four little stinky cute feet create the best music of all every morning as they pitter patter through the house upon waking because two little feet sounds like a drum, four like a symphony. Full of chunky thighs as a brace them while sitting on my lap simultaneously. They feel so warm and tender. Full of little blond and brunette curls as I stroke their precious sweet heads. Their locks feel like silk.

And, tonight as they finally lay their little precious heads down to sleep I hear the cherub little voices say "Love you jojo." then "Wuv you Ashtey." And I think to myself "Thank God I have twins."

Hope this made you laugh. Happy Birthday to the precious little ones.


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