Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Jordan and daddy share the same hair style. Her bald spot is from scooching across the floor while on her back. Mark's is from...well let's just say from having twins! Below are pictures of the babies' first solid food - cereal! Jordan didn't know what to make of it. Most of it ended up on her chin. Ashton, being Mark's son did great. He actually kicked and wiggled in excitement as the spoon approached him. Kind of like Mark does when eating ice cream. After, he crashed hard. Nicole could barely burp him as he fell asleep quickly.


At December 16, 2008 at 3:39 PM , Blogger ~V said...

Hey, we have the same high chair, for which Eli informed me this weekend he is way too cool. Welcome to solid food! During the first foods stage I was really into making my own from the techniques described in "Super Baby Food". Now ... let's just say that lunch yesterday was cheese flavored corn dogs ... Hope you all are getting some sleep! Merry Christmas! Love the Greens


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